Madderns Website
Case Study
The Brief
Madderns is a leading, privately-owned Patent and Trade Mark Attorney firm based in Adelaide, servicing clients nationally and in overseas markets. Madderns protects the intellectual property assets of innovative businesses, organisations and individuals.
After successfully managing its PR and communications needs for a number of years, Madderns approached Hughes to re-design its website to more closely reflect its services, capitalise on the firm’s growing profile, and to reach a wider clientele.
Based on the findings of a comprehensive competitor and stakeholder analysis, Hughes applied its strategic design process to develop a new site map which provided a more efficient and compelling user experience. This included producing content aligned with the firm’s existing branding to bring it to life, including drafting new and refining existing copy to ensure consistency of language. The consultancy’s content team also produced a suite of photography and a two-minute video showcasing Madderns’ clients – spearheaded by a 15-second landing screen teaser video. The longer video also serves as a corporate video for new and existing clients to showcase the depth and breadth of Madderns’ experienced team. The Hughes team also contemporised and expanded the firm’s colour palette and applied strict design guidelines to ensure the consistency of visual information and graphics across the site.
The new website maximises screen space and uses visual devices including dynamic logos and eye-catching devices to guide users to their desired destination.
The website’s launch was supported by a strategic social media campaign designed and scheduled to create awareness and anticipation around the launch period. The Hughes team also developed a social media campaign for both organic content and paid content across Facebook and LinkedIn to target a wider audience in the weeks following the launch of the new website. This was particularly targeted at the North American and wider international markets, highlighting new features, and drawing attention to Madderns as being a South Australian-based firm with international expertise. The new website has highlighted Madderns’ growing international reputation, strengthened relationships, more effectively showcased the firm’s global leadership, built connections with new stakeholders, and guided existing and new users to learn about and contact the firm.
Its success is monitored via formal client feedback and Google Analytics.
Thinking about a website redesign? Talk to our team today.