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Fleet Complete launches AI powered dash camera to the Australian market

12 September 2024

Global fleet management solutions company Fleet Complete is adding an AI-powered dash camera to its suite of products on the Australian market to cater to a growing demand from diverse industries where employees are driving both large industrial and small on-road vehicles.

Artificial intelligence is transforming fleet management globally as companies seek to enhance driver safety and reduce human error across their operations.

Fleet Complete Vision is an AI-enhanced dual-facing camera being rolled out to Fleet Complete’s Australian customers in the mining, oil and gas, transport and logistics, local government, construction, trades and community service sectors.

Fleet Complete General Manager Australia Michael Seychell says the adoption of telematics – the use of software to track and manage fleet vehicles in real-time – is well-established in many of the company’s international markets and is rapidly expanding in Australia.

“Fleet management is an essential business function that protects fleet-based businesses and drivers from dangerous accidents and costly liabilities,” Mr Seychell said.

“From mines and long-haul transport to community services, businesses and local government, fleet vehicles are core to their day-to-day operations. In all businesses and industries, safety is, of course, paramount.”

Fleet Complete Vision can personalise driver coaching, detect distracted or fatigued driving and can protect drivers from legal liability.

“Our Fleet Complete Vision camera uses video data, fleet data, computer vision and AI technology to monitor driver behaviour and offer driver coaching,” Mr Seychell said.

“Fleet Complete Vision will detect tailgating, rolling stops, harsh braking, distracted driving and mobile phone use to improve driver safety on the road.

“For drivers, Fleet Complete Vision provides an extra set of vigilant eyes on the road that sees everything, providing drivers with complete peace of mind while driving.

“Employers can gamify their driver safety program by recognising and rewarding their safest drivers and motivating drivers to improve their driving habits.”

Fleet Complete provides Fleet Management, Task Management, Asset Management, and Remote Fleet Management solutions. FC Vision is the newest product launch for Fleet Complete, which has a key distribution partnership with Telstra.

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